viernes, 2 de mayo de 2008

Rituals in ancient China

On ancient china people made several rituals as part of the biggest celebration, the arrival of the new year, among the many manifestations of joy in this event, took place some customs that are mentioned below

First, all members of the family were gathered at the home of most elderly relatives and therefore deserved greater respect and consideration, they celebrated this ritual of giving away money from each other good luck “hong bay” or envelopes of good luck, especially children and elderly.

Another ritualwas staying awake all night, and they belief that if they make contributions to their parents have long life, which caused that after dinner they were awake all night long.

Not all rituals was made for familie´s benefit, there was a myth about a big monster who like to eat people, and the only way to avoid it was to place red papers on the door of the house, turning on torches and launch rockets with gunpowder, because the monster didn’t like the color red and the noise, so it bother it and it disappear from town.

As you can see there are many rituals that make up a celebration within the culture china, but in my opinion the most important thing was to ensure that the family was gathered in groups and have the best wishes for the new year.


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