viernes, 2 de mayo de 2008

the ancient china and the sport practice

On ancient China there were a lot of heroes and great traditions, also had great athletes who contributed to the development of this area worldwide. The following are some sports practiced by inhabitants of ancient China: The first sport is the cuju, Chinese football. Is named cuju because it means kicking and ball. This sport had several practitioners within the different dynastieson cuju the winners were applauded while the losers were punished and humiliated whip and face painting yellow. However many times this game suffered changes to motivate the integration and diversion.In many occasions there wasn’t teams and the goal was simply to put balls in a single goal, which could be on the ground or in the air.

On the other side there is a version of the Chinese sports practiced with foot or on horseback, hitting a ball with a stick, which give rise to the pole and the goal (chuiwan), this game have two teams, the winners were those who goals goals, they have to to put the ball in holes on the ground, or those who beat the ball less. The sticks are made of wood and have different forms, and the ball was made of leather and animal, it seems to be an egg. But unlike the goal now is known sports people could only use one of their hands to manipulate the sticks.

Another sport practice of this ancient culture was the archery, this game is to throw arrows at a board called: target, which hit at the centre was the winner, and although the bow and arrow were essentially articles of war and Hunting achievement become a skill, there were many versions of this sport, as well as embarking on a target, then the Chinese decided to take more difficult to hit targets such as branches of trees, while mounted on horseback. unfortunately, this sport is gone with the rise of firearms.

As you can see the ancient sports practices led to rise current sports practices, with some modifications that are of vital importance in contemporary cultures. Yet many of these practices with the pass of the years and modernization also disappeared possibly due to new interests within the population and culture.


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