viernes, 16 de mayo de 2008

Keeping history records

The historical events that humanity now knows about the various ancient civilizations such as China culture and teachings have left great legacy to contemporary man, but to preserve this information there have been a challenge and that has achieved through media, among These include:

Myths and legends, are two of the first main methods that Chinese people use to tell generation to generation of its traditions and historic events of importance, making that their inhabitants identify themselves culturally and religiously through these. among these myths and legends have arisen festivals and rituals that make up the Chinese families, besides preserving its values and ideals of life, such as the legend about the origin of man and how it should respect the animals.

Another good example of how the Chinese preserv their history, are drawings that women did as entertainment in the form of paintings on canvas. The graphics which results were drawings on the great moments of culture, their heroes, some of their rituals and celebrations. These large drawings are still preserved and are part of many museums, as well as the porcelain also show that large meetings of the emperors, wars and fights that took place in China, for its freedom and territorial defence.

Unfortunately, many of the objects in which the people of ancient China telled history were destroyed by many emperors of their own or by barbaros. Although fortune of mankind for the biggest records of this culture, despite the years and that the time to the deteriorated, are in their great temples and buildings, since each one of these magnified some of the historical events, their emperors or their battles, many are not travel or care, but identified this culture as one of the oldest.



Remarkable events

The ancient civilization of China has benefited the mankind with many invents that developed. But not all their contributions were used in a positive way as many of its creators might had wished. Below are some purposes that the men gave to those invents.

Among the contributions of the civilization of China to the world we can find the creation of the paper. China contributed and developed a new style in the way the man was writting, because with this invent all writtings were preserved and were more easy to use them. The history shows how the writting practice was improved by the paper creation and how it has been developed during the time in the world.

Another major contribution of this ancient culture was the abacus, an instrument which is currently used in the education of children with the arithmetic of preschool and primary education, and although it was originally an invention of the Egyptian civilization, modifications and changes made allowed by the Chinese reach add, subtract, multiply and divide in this basic objective of learning

As the third major buildup of the civilization that emerged china for the world was silk, a valuable article of which was for years ignored its origin, which it paid contributions for many years. This material is currently one of the finest and most expensive in the market for textiles and clothing, is almost exclusive for the use of great designers. Besides its extraction was an open secret for many years, this article also raise its name with the Chinese life marketing, giving to it popularity and importance within the old market and even today.

However, one of this inventions brought development but also fear and desolation. Gunpowder a product that I think civilization China as a way of entertainment was subsequently used also as a way of defence in implementing firearms that eventually as do evolving and integrating new elements, but what is relevant to this issue is that the gunpowder created by Chinese was the first step for the men to think about harming themself to destroy in masse

Civilization in China played an important role in cultural development, commercial, social and even entertainment with each of the inputs and their inventions, though not all have been used in a positive way by man as is the case with gunpowder, Although it must consider that what is more positive as in the case of paper, kites, the compass and even silk and porcelain articles that uses contemporary civilization and constantly renews.




viernes, 2 de mayo de 2008

the ancient china and the sport practice

On ancient China there were a lot of heroes and great traditions, also had great athletes who contributed to the development of this area worldwide. The following are some sports practiced by inhabitants of ancient China: The first sport is the cuju, Chinese football. Is named cuju because it means kicking and ball. This sport had several practitioners within the different dynastieson cuju the winners were applauded while the losers were punished and humiliated whip and face painting yellow. However many times this game suffered changes to motivate the integration and diversion.In many occasions there wasn’t teams and the goal was simply to put balls in a single goal, which could be on the ground or in the air.

On the other side there is a version of the Chinese sports practiced with foot or on horseback, hitting a ball with a stick, which give rise to the pole and the goal (chuiwan), this game have two teams, the winners were those who goals goals, they have to to put the ball in holes on the ground, or those who beat the ball less. The sticks are made of wood and have different forms, and the ball was made of leather and animal, it seems to be an egg. But unlike the goal now is known sports people could only use one of their hands to manipulate the sticks.

Another sport practice of this ancient culture was the archery, this game is to throw arrows at a board called: target, which hit at the centre was the winner, and although the bow and arrow were essentially articles of war and Hunting achievement become a skill, there were many versions of this sport, as well as embarking on a target, then the Chinese decided to take more difficult to hit targets such as branches of trees, while mounted on horseback. unfortunately, this sport is gone with the rise of firearms.

As you can see the ancient sports practices led to rise current sports practices, with some modifications that are of vital importance in contemporary cultures. Yet many of these practices with the pass of the years and modernization also disappeared possibly due to new interests within the population and culture.


Rituals in ancient China

On ancient china people made several rituals as part of the biggest celebration, the arrival of the new year, among the many manifestations of joy in this event, took place some customs that are mentioned below

First, all members of the family were gathered at the home of most elderly relatives and therefore deserved greater respect and consideration, they celebrated this ritual of giving away money from each other good luck “hong bay” or envelopes of good luck, especially children and elderly.

Another ritualwas staying awake all night, and they belief that if they make contributions to their parents have long life, which caused that after dinner they were awake all night long.

Not all rituals was made for familie´s benefit, there was a myth about a big monster who like to eat people, and the only way to avoid it was to place red papers on the door of the house, turning on torches and launch rockets with gunpowder, because the monster didn’t like the color red and the noise, so it bother it and it disappear from town.

As you can see there are many rituals that make up a celebration within the culture china, but in my opinion the most important thing was to ensure that the family was gathered in groups and have the best wishes for the new year.
