sábado, 15 de marzo de 2008

Millennium Dragon festival

According to Chinese customs this celebration takes place on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar and originates from the story of a honest minister who committed suicide drowning in the river, his body was impossible to recover, so that his spirit lives on the river,He must be fed with rice that people cast to the river. This originated two men sailing on the river on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar with large frigates in the form of a dragon that simulate go to the rescue of the body of legendary minister.

Chinese contributions at the history

One of the great contributions of China is the creation of the paper. Although used materials like stone, cloth or skin of animals, these were materials were high cost or much work, it was necessary to find a cheap material and easy to handle so that the paper was invented using twine, breakage of the unused material. According to Chinese history and traditions as invention Cai Lun (62-121A.D.) Eunuch or belonging to the Han Dynasty Dong.

Wu Zetian

The first woman emperator in China, her origin of a noble family took the haren that was part of the emperor, but after that emperor died she took part of this Haren's son who took the throne, which generates multiple moralists scandals .Later emperor suffered a disease in his health and he died, Wu Zetian took the power when committed a number without infamias. According on history herself Proclaim emperor.During her tenure creates several laws to deprive her enemies of the way, including their own children. After a while her overthrown by a coup, which allowed her son to take the throne and diploy again the Tang Dynasty, Wu Zetina died a few months after this.

Picture: www.newsgd.com/.../200610190028_68520.jpg

Information: http://www.tudiscovery.com/guia_china/china_personajes/china_wu_zetian/index.shtml


An intellectual leader of China, is one of the main protagonist of this story, a thinker and educator influenced the thinking and being of the Chinese people. From a noble family but bankruptcy is striving for great way to cope. With a highly educated spread their ideas all over the country, initially rejected by the government because of their way of thinking, then became one of the advisers since promulgating that these were the only leaders, gave birth to the main duties every man of government, the essential values in human relationships.
Picture: sepiensa.org.mx/.../confucio/img/confucio1.jpg


China A great culture with historians, warriors, contributions to world science, architecture and philosophy, has over 5000 years of history. The following is intended to publicize some of the most important aspects of this historic and important society, which in antique face a great challenges to reach glory. The culture, customs, religion and politics of this community is perpetuo through his works currently allows the world a perspective of its historical greatness in the years through his works and ruins still exist, as well as for his writings and graves found thanks to existing technologies. The purpose of this blog is therefore show you as a millennial culture influenced antique China at the China of today and even some of the things the world has to be possible today.
Picture: travel-tourism.com.ar/.../2007/06/china.jpg

traditional family

The whole structure of China's traditional family is based on the Confusio philosophy whom family was synonymous of social stability, which should always be composed of grandparents, parents, children and grandchildren. This hierarchy was based on responsibilities, rights and duties of each individual member of the family; however, age, gender and location within the hierarchy also were important, so the head of the family was the person with more age (grandfather), who had the responsibility of making decisions for the entire group, while the youngers didn't have the right to decide. The leader of the family had the right to decide on each of those who lived under his roof, and they must paid tribute, obedience and loyalty. The marriage was a family issue decision that sought greater stability and socio-economic relations between families.
Information: http://chineseculture.about.com/bl_index.htm and http://www.tudiscovery.com/guia_china